The modern world cannot survive and thrive without a productive petroleum industry

Our Mission:

To make sure that people everywhere understand,
from the very young to the very old,
the importance of the Oil Industry to civilization itself.
From every corner of the earth, people need to know
the importance and the impact that we make.

Point - Counterpoint

Green Energy:  Myth vs. Reality

News Stories

EPA quietly quadruples regulatory cost of carbon emissions in new war on fossil fuels

Richard James
 (Dec 05, 2022 5:45 pm)

With the price of everything from gasoline to food soaring in America, nobody is surprised by inflated price tags these days. But even by Washington standards, an action taken earlier this month by the Environmental Protection Agency is creating sticker shock: a nearly fourfold increase in the government calculation of damages from carbon emissions.

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(UK)Government tests energy blackout emergency plans as supply fears grow

Coletta Hodges
 (Nov 02, 2022 1:21 pm)

The government has “war gamed” emergency plans to cope with energy blackouts lasting up to seven days in the event of a national power outage amid growing fears over security of supply this winter.

The Guardian has seen documents, marked “official sensitive”, which warn that in a “reasonable worst-case scenario” all sectors including transport, food and water supply, communications and energy could be “severely disrupted” for up to a week.

They show that ministers will prioritise getting food, water and shelter to the young and elderly people, as well as those with caring responsibilities, if the country experiences blackouts, with the Met Office warning that Britain faces a higher risk of a cold winter.

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Oil in the Past

Before petroleum, before the modern advancements it fueled, the world was a larger, deadlier, hungrier, colder, darker place. Solar and wind power are not the energy sources of tomorrow, they are the energy sources of yesterday.

Oil in the Present

The technological achievements that we have wrought deserve to be enjoyed by all of humanity, not put away because of some fear or hope of the future.  Cheap, plentiful energy means cheap plentiful food, and only the reduction of poverty and hunger in the world will lift the world up together into a new tomorrow. 

Oil in the Future

Solving the problems caused by our striving should be part of our effort, and should not be ignored.  But rejecting the bounty caused by our success in order to avoid the problems it creates is wrong.  Every advancement made by man was in response to a problem that had to be solved. Lets solve this problem.  Lets all enjoy cheap, plentiful power, and cheap plentiful food, and live long healthy lives.

From the Oil Blog:

Snake Oil Salesman

Cordis Magnus 
(Dec 05, 2022 10:59 am)

Doesn't Run on Fossil Fuels

Cordis Magnus 
(Nov 19, 2022 9:16 am)

Blah, Blah, Blah

Cordis Magnus 
(Nov 19, 2022 8:56 am)
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