The modern world cannot survive and thrive without a productive petroleum industry

News Stories

Solar panel on home ignites

Cordis Magnus (Oct 19, 2022)

A solar panel on a two-story home on the 25300 block of Avenida Ronada in Newhall caught fire at approximately 12:15 p.m. on Monday, according to Henry Narvaez, spokesman for the Los Angeles County Fire Department.  

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Teens are pouring milk out in grocery stores in new trend to raise awareness about dairy production emissions

Coletta Hodges (Oct 19, 2022)

The latest environmentalist trend is here: pouring out milk in grocery stores.

All across the United Kingdom, teenagers concerned about the environment are doing "milk pours." The new trend involves going into grocery stores, picking up cartons of cow-produced milk, and pouring out their contents, according to the animal rights group Animal Rebellion.

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Our Mad Aristos

Cordis Magnus (Oct 17, 2022)

In the past, ruling classes sought to protect the system that secured their coveted positions. But sometimes, as in the era before the French or Russian Revolutions, some in the ruling circles stopped believing in their religion, their traditions, and their state, only to be exiled, executed, or turned into what the Soviets called “former persons.”

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Mayorkas claims Republicans saying the border is 'open' is 'music to the smugglers' ears'

Coletta Hodges (Oct 16, 2022)

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas waved away criticism from lawmakers calling for his impeachment on Friday, saying that his critics' rhetoric about the border being "open" was inspiring further illegal immigration.

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Biden’s lies, outright fabrications repeatedly dismissed, downplayed and softened by media

Coletta Hodges (Oct 16, 2022)

The media has long downplayed and softened President Biden’s decades-long history of falsehoods, as most recently evidenced by a euphemism-filled New York Times report that referred to outright fabrications and lies as "folklore" stories with "factual edges shaved off."

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Electric-vehicle fires have burned down homes after Hurricane Ian saltwater damage. Florida officials want answers

Coletta Hodges (Oct 16, 2022)

It sounds counterintuitive, but electric vehicles that have been flooded with saltwater can catch fire. That’s proven to be a problem in Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, which flooded parts of the state last month. 

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Joe Biden's Comment On California Gas Prices Left Both Allies And Adversaries Confused

Cordis Magnus (Oct 16, 2022)

A taco run turned into a PR nightmare for President Joe Biden when he was grilled by a Los Angeles-based reporter about $7 per gallon gas prices in the area (viaNew York Post). The Democratic leader, whose most recent instance of putting his foot in his mouth heartbreakingly involved how his son Beau passed away, then lobbed a response that is not sitting well with, well, anyone. "Well, that's always been the case here," the commander in chief answered the reporter's question about skyrocketing costs at the pump in the Golden State.

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Biden says he will take action on U.S. gasoline prices

Coletta Hodges (Oct 14, 2022)

U.S. President Joe Biden said Thursday that next week he will announce new actions to combat the country's high gasoline prices.. In addition, Biden has indicated that his goal is also to "make more progress in reducing prices across the board." Before that, he highlighted the country's inflation progress.

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Inside the only lithium producer in the U.S., which provides the critical mineral used in batteries by Tesla, EV makers

Richard Nader (Oct 14, 2022)

On the edge of Western Nevada, hours from a major city and miles down private dirt roads, lies the United States’ only lithium-producing plant.

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Climate activists throw soup on Vincent van Gogh painting to protest oil

Richard Nader (Oct 14, 2022)

Climate protesters threw tomato soup at Vincent van Gogh's "Sunflowers" painting Friday to protest the extraction and use of fossil fuels.

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The Left is using science 'consensus' to shut down free speech in America

Debra White (Oct 14, 2022)

It was about eight to 10 years ago that the Left made a unilateral decision to shut down all opposition and any skepticism about climate change by pronouncing that the debate was over.

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Germany hopes to get key raw materials from Mongolia

Richard James (Oct 14, 2022)

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Friday that his country wants to strengthen ties to Mongolia, citing the country’s wealth of key commodities such as copper and rare earth metals.

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