The modern world cannot survive and thrive without a productive petroleum industry

News Stories

Biden hits oil and gas companies: 'Bring down prices you’re charging at the pump'

Debra White (Oct 14, 2022)

Average price for gallon of gas was $3.725 on Monday, down from $5.016 in June

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Heating homes with hydrogen is bad for both your wallet and the planet

Cordis Magnus (Oct 14, 2022)

A review of studies looking at heating homes with hydrogen has found that high cost and poor energy efficiency means the gas isn't a viable solution, despite many governments pushing ahead with the idea.

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Why Electric Car Charging Is Getting Extremely Expensive 

Coletta Hodges (Oct 14, 2022)

The electric car industry is being forecasted to increase by around 31,000 units in the next few years. Additionally, electric car charging costs are already increasing. With some states, like California, already announcing the banning of selling gas-powered vehicles, an already strained electrical grid, and a constant increase in demand for electricity, it doesn’t come as a shock that there is a rise in electric car charging costs.

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Natural gas can’t be replaced by green sources, industry argues

Richard Nader (Oct 14, 2022)

U.S. natural gas industry leaders are amping up calls for the Biden administration and other governments to embrace the energy source ahead of a tough winter for much of the West.

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Biden: Meloni's victory in Italy is warning for American democracy

Richard James (Oct 14, 2022)

President Biden used the results of last week’s prime ministerial election in Italy, which saw hard-right candidate Giorgia Meloni prevail, as a warning of what could befall the United States if the nation’s politics succumbed to surging authoritarian impulses.

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‘It makes climate change real’: How carbon emissions got rebranded as ‘pollution’

Debra White (Oct 14, 2022)

California activists paved the way for defining climate change as an air pollution problem. Now it's federal law.

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What does bad energy policy look like? Look at California and Germany

Cordis Magnus (Oct 14, 2022)

“You live and you learn” is something people often say when they’ve done something foolish, but are able to learn from it and change course.

Unfortunately, when it comes to energy and climate policy, many of the world’s most powerful leaders are refusing to do the “learning” part of that equation.

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There’s an ESG backlash inside the executive ranks at top corporations

Coletta Hodges (Oct 14, 2022)

In public, U.S. corporations say the right things about environment, social and governance factors as part of their mindset. But how do executives really feel about the push to make ESG a core component of management philosophy?

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New York Bans Sale Of Gas-Powered Cars

Richard Nader (Oct 14, 2022)

New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced the state's plan to ban sales of all new gas-powered cars by 2035, the plan will also require all school buses to produce zero emissions by the same year.

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The world’s largest carbon removal project will break ground in Wyoming

Richard James (Oct 14, 2022)

The U.S. has set out this roadmap for carbon removal that is long enough that it’s going to allow for the kinds of really large investments and capital investments in projects. The U.S. has done that. It’s not happening anywhere else right now.

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Denmark postpones closure of three power plants due to energy crisis

Debra White (Oct 14, 2022)

Denmark's Ministry of Climate and Energy announced Saturday its intention to postpone the decommissioning of three power plants until the summer of 2024, due to the energy crisis on the continent.

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Democrats must not be allowed to replicate Europe's energy disaster

Cordis Magnus (Oct 14, 2022)

In the Alpine nation of Austria, where I currently live, residents are receiving the euro equivalent of $490 as a "climate and anti-inflation" bonus.

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